Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategic Human Resource Management And Challenges Commerce Essay

Strategic Human Resource Management And Challenges Commerce Essay Managers use the term human resource strategies to refer to the specific human resource management courses of action the company pursues to achieve its strategic aims. For example, Dell The essence of Dells competitive strategy has always been to a low- cost leader. Thats why human resource managers use various HR strategies to support Dells low-cost aim Dell deliver most of its human resource services, not through a conventional human resource department, but via the web. A manager tools section on Dells internet contains about 30 automated web applications. This allows mangers to perform human resource tasks that previously required costly participation by human resource personnel. The internet also check job posting, and monitor their total compensation statements. This dramatically reduces the number of human resource people required to administer these activities, and thus the cost of doing so. This is turn support Dells low-cost strategy. Now a days human resource managers face three strategic challenges. 1- One (as at Dell) is the need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts. 2- Employees play an expanded role in employers performance organizations like Toyotas such a high technology team-based production are largely useless without extraordinary high level of employee competence and commitment. 3- The third challenge is that employers see that their human resource units must be more involved in designing not just executing the companys strategic plan. Todays stress on going competitive advantage through people renders such arrangements inadequate. Instead, top management needs the input of the human resource team in designing the strategy, since it is the team charged with hiring, training, and compensating the firms employees. Human resource managers will therefore need a basic functional understanding of how the firm makes money. What activities and process are most critical for value creation as defined by customers and capital markets? Human resource professional need to understand the basis of strategic planning and of the basic business functions such as accounting, finance, production, and sales, so they can take their seat at the table when top management is crafting the firms strategic plan. What factors should management consider in HRM? Recruitment: Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employee and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment Methods:- Internal existing employee Self-Applicant Supervisor/Manager Recommendation Succession planning Using Existing Contracts Unsolicited Enquires Previous Applicant Previous Employees Existing Employees Contracts. External Contacts:- Professional Referrals Job Centers Private Selection Consultants Management Selection Colleges/Universities Resettlement services Temporary Agencies Advertising/Media Press T.V/Radio Cinema/Posters Career Exhibitions Conferences/Open days 2-Job Analysis:- This is the process of getting detailed information about job. Here we give the importance of job analysis according to HRM. The Importance of job analysis to HR Manager. Job analysis has been called the building block of everything that the personnel department does. Some of the human resource activities that use job-analysis information includes selection, performance, appraisal, training, and development, job evaluation, career planning, work redesign and human resource planning. The Importance of Job Analysis to Line Manger:- Manager must have detailed information about all the jobs in their work group to understand the work-flow process. Managers need to understand the job requirements to make intelligent hiring decision. Since the Manager is responsible for ensuring that each individual is performing his or her job manager must clearly understand the satisfactorily, the task required in every job. Job Analysis Information A job description is a list of the tasks, duties and responsibilities (TDRS) that the job entitles. A job specification is a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAO) that an individual must have to perform the job. 3- Training and Developing Employees. The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. This might mean showing a new web designer the intricacies of your site, a new salesperson how to sell your firms products, or a new supervisor how to fill out the firms weekly payroll sheets. Here I again quote an example of Wisconsin-based Signicast Corp. Decided to build a new, high- tech plant, or computerized plant. Terry Lutz, the firms president, know signicast would need a new type of employees to run that plant, and new screening and training programs to hire and train them. EXAMPLE The U.S armed Forces are taking army developed video- game-type training programmers called Full-Spectrum Command and Full- spectrum Warrior for training troops in urban warfare. Honda example: When Honda decided to build a new plant in Alabama, it had to hire thousands of new employees in an area where few people worked in manufacturing. Honda and the Alabama state employment agency first screened the applications by eliminating those who lacked the education or experience. And then gave preference to applicants near the plant. About 340 applicants per six-week session received special training at a new facility about 15 miles from the plant, two evening a week. It included classroom instruction, watching videos of current Honda employees in action, and actually practicing particular jobs. Finally HR department do the final screening. They interview the candidates, review their training record, and decide which ones to hire. 4- Performance and pay/Motivation and Incentives: Financial rewards paid to workers, whose production exceeds some predetermined standard. Basically this system was started in late 80s.If any of the worker or employee gives the best of him; he/she should receive some reward in shape of pay increase or incentives. 5-PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPS Being a good manager, he should make some department or group which can help employees problems. These problems can be helping new employees or helping the old staff with legal stuff or work issue. It can be personal issues as well. Like sometimes employees are having bad time in domestic life and cannot concentrate on their work. So these groups can help and guide the employee with more broad vision. 6-IMPLENTATION OF EMPLOYE S SUGGESTIONS In SHRM this factor is very important to listen to the all employees suggestions, whether the employee is new in the company or working in it for long. New comers sometimes bring new ideas with them; it might be from their previous work place or educational institute. And the old worker can help with their experience in the same work place. Good management always keeps on having employees meetings to keep them up to date and listen to all their new and good ideas. 7-Benefits and Services:- Indirect financial and non-financial payments received by the employees for continuing their employment with the company. They include things like health and life insurance, pension, time off with pay, and child care assistance.(Gerry dessler) Verizon Example:- Verizon communication, facing strong competition and the need to reduce its employees after several managers, needed a way to convince thousands of its employees to take early retirement. In this case, Verizon required a plan that was economically sensible, as well as one that complied with different laws that apply to retirement and other benefits. 8-Coaching / Mentoring:- Employees are trained and educated through methods other than teaching classes and seminars. Chief among these are management responsibilities of coaching, mentoring, and building your organization into a learning organization. Find coaching, mentoring, consulting, knowledge management and how to build a learning organization resource. In every company now a days there is new innovations and technologies are being introduced for profit maximization and customer satisfaction, due to that every employee need to be trained and come to know about innovation how to work with this new technology. EXAMPLE: Tesco is one of leading brand in supermarket industry; recently Tesco had introduced self checkout tills. This is a big innovation in supermarket industry and due to that customer who buys only few things has been no need to stand in a long queue he just use these tills, but some time customers dont know how to use it thats why Tesco trained their employees about this innovation for the better service provided to the customers. Creating a Mentoring Culture Build a Mentoring Culture Coaching for Improved Performance Leadership Success Secrets: Leadership Inspiration Group Mentoring Tips for Effective Coaching Mentoring and Baby Boomers: Mentoring Is a Strategic Business Imperative What Do You Mean My Company 9- Team Building / Work Teams Employee contribution, teams, and employee empowerment allow people to make decisions about their work. This employee involvement, teambuilding approach, and employee empowerment increases loyalty and fosters ownership. These ideas tell you how to do team building and effectively involve people. In this concept good or experienced managers built teams in which old and experienced employees leads these teams and these peoples know system of the company and know as well how to do smart work thats why new comers follow these peoples and done better job in few days. CONCLUSION: Strategy Human resource management is relatively a new term in the management but has very many important implications. By the introduction of SHRM the organizations have managed to improve their potentials. The employees and the organizations are connected to each other through SHRM. It has been the want of the organizations to formulate new ways to produce goods and services. It is the duty of the SHRM to find the right person for the right job for the growth of any company. It is the responsibility of the HR department to find the goal achieving people from the market and also train them to gain excellence. There have been introduced new techniques in SHRM which are useful for the HR managers for the uplift and perfection of the organizations. It is the responsibility of the HRM department to find and know the problems of employees and then to solve them. By this way they can retain low employ turnover, attract new employees and also improve of the employ development. In the modern world it is important for each organization to use its full potential. SHRM helps the organization to move forward and move forward quickly

Friday, January 17, 2020

Fashion theory -roland barth

Roland Farther and the End of the Nineteenth Century Roland Farther was a French philosopher, linguistic, critic and theorist. He was also the first begins systematically to think through the intellectual changes in the study of fashion and clothes. His fashion theory has a close relationship to his structuralism and linguistic knowledge, and defined fashion, clothes their origins and functions within the system. First of all, Farther saw fashion as a whole system. Based on the article, system has been defined as ‘a group or set of related materials or immaterial things forming a unity or complex whole.Fashion as a sort of system, has the features of that parts cannot be explained without interpreting the relationship to the whole system. Also, fashion is should be explained by other dimensions in the society too, such as social facts, and so on. So, he summarized the thoughts like fashion system is the totality of social relations and activities that are required for fashion t o come into existence'. He pointed out the systematic society relies on structured human activities, and human economic activities can be divided in three dimensions: Production, strutting and consumption.Respectively, he divided ‘garments' in three dimensions based on the theory: firstly, ‘real garments', which corresponds to the dimension of production; ‘represented garments', corresponds to the dimension of distribution; ‘used garments', relates to the dimension of consumption. So, fashionable garments are not belong to the real garments, instead they are representative garments since they are in the realm of distribution that producers want to ensure that the garments are satisfied the demand of consumers.Followed y the explanation, the chapter focused on the introduction of the three dimensions of garments. Real clothes, which arises to indicate the modality clothing assumes before it is translated into the garment of representation. They do not represen t anything, so Farther defined the real clothes as an object like a prototype. The represented garments can be separated into image clothing and written clothing, which belongs to two systems: system of image and the system of language. He took the example of a fashion magazine that uses each of the two systems to descriptor a cushion garment.He concluded that language is a more powerful system because it more readily renders the physical substance of the ‘real garment' into a set of common, abstract signifier. In addition, image and language has different functions. According to Farther, image clothing provides the potential users with a stencil of the real garment and inflects there traces of real garments in an aesthetic direction while language translated the garments into a system of abstract and intellective meaning and it is closer to the nature of true fashionable garments'.In the other word, loathes have more similarities with language than image, because they are two models of communication. His thoughts included a lot of philosophies from formal chapters, which discuss clothes through sociology and history. Farther admits that clothing is a social phenomenon and seen as a set of garments that have acquired their present for, because of their past. It is also notable that Farther not agreed with the idea that the origin of clothes is decoration. He thoughts this question should be explained from the aspects of systematic.Farther thoughts was highly structured eased on his field. Also, he emphasized the function of language probably because his study on linguistic. It is interesting that in this article I saw more about his structuralism theories from the example of clothing. Highlights of the Article Farther who first begins systematically to think through the intellectual changes that would eventually amount to a ‘paradigm change' in the study of clothes and fashion. Breather's reputation as a fashion thinker' rests mainly upon the docto rate that never was, The Fashion System.The books opening section titled ‘Introduction: Method' is a impressive and lucid demonstration of his methodological approach to the question What is fashion?. System, defined as ‘a group or set of related or associated material or immaterial things forming a unity or complex whole', lay at the heart of the revolution that swept through French intellectual life after the Second World War and one which has come to be known by the generic term ‘structuralism'. ‘System', ‘structure' and totality are all closely related terms intended to signify.They (structuralisms) insist that the whole and the parts can be properly explained only in arms of the relations that exist between the parts. The key assumption at work is the idea that any social fact', such as fashion, should not be regarded as something having a singular identity. The central thrust of the idea of ‘system' is to carefully sort out the differential components of fashion and then see how the complex network of relationships' can Join together these different dimensions into a dynamic whole. Systematic is the process of bringing together different elements into relationships of mutual dependency.The fashion system is the totality of social relations and activities that are required for fashion to come into existence. ‘System', therefore, is a way of conceiving of human existence as something in which a structured collective being precedes, and provides the foundation for, individual being, and this has steadily become a central organizing principle of Western thought. Human action is ‘structured' into patterned networks. In order that the necessities of life be secured and so ensure that social life and the life of the individual will continue, humans have to act in an organized, collective manner.Human economic activity came to be en as comprising of three dimensions. Production – what ensures that stuff gets made; Distribution – what ensures that what is made reaches the people who need it; Consumption – the ways in which what is made is used up. Farther saw the analytical possibilities of extending this model of production, distribution and consumption to social institutions other than economic ones, in particular to dimensions of social life such as art and culture. The first of these distinctions separates clothing into three garments'. These he calls the real garment', the represented garment' and the used garment'.The ‘real garment' corresponds to the dimension of production, the ‘represented garment' corresponds to the dimension of distribution, while the ‘used garment' corresponds to the dimension of consumption. The implication of this is that consumers never encounter the ‘real garment'. What they encounter is the fashionable garment, the garment that is already in the realm of representation. Breather's concept of the revised category of the real garment' arises to indicate the modality clothing assumes before it is translated into the garment of representation.The ‘real garment' is something like a ‘prototype' – that is, the object before it is named. The final distinction made by Farther is in the central category of ‘represented clothing, which he separates into ‘image-clothing and Written clothing. Language, on the other hand, Farther considers to be a ‘purer, more powerful code for the production of meaning because it more readily renders the physical substance of the ‘real garment' into a set of common, abstract signifier. It is clear that image-clothing and written clothing have different functions within representation.Image-clothing provides the potential user with a ‘stencil' of the real garment and, at the same time, inflects these traces of the real garment in an aesthetic direction. Material stuff is being turned into language. The garment is being transl ated into a system of abstract, intellective meanings and it is this final modality of the garment that Farther sees as the true fashionable garment'. In other words, clothing is a social phenomenon. By this he meaner the tendency among previous writers to regard not Just clothes, but social life in general, as a collection of individual traits', each with its own evolutionary pathway into the present.Clothing, in this model, is seen as a set of garments that have acquired their present form because of their past. Farther rejects the conclusion that it is decoration which is the chief motive for clothing. The tendency of all bodily covering to insert itself into an organized, formal and normative system, which is recognized by society. If we are set on explaining the origins of clothing, we have to include in that explanation an account of the coming into being of that aspect of the phenomenon that is collective, organized, formal and normative.Clothing seems to resemble language in a number of ways. Like language, clothing was pre-eminently a collective activity. His final move was of a more general nature and this was to categorize clothes as a mode of communication. Clothes are always a combination of a specific signifier and a general signified that is external to it (epoch, country, social class). The most influential of Brander's methodological advances is his separation of the historical time continuum into three distinct sorts of durations. Clothing does not ‘reflect' anything but it may react in its own way to an external disturbance.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay Alexander Graham Bell - 1581 Words

Alexander Graham Bell, a man who best known for inventing the telephone. Most people don’t know he spent the majority of his life teaching and helping the deaf. Educating the hearing impaired is what he wished to be remembered for. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His mother was a painter of miniature portraits and also loved to play the piano even though she was nearly deaf. Aleck’s mother knew that he had a talent for music and always encouraged him to play (Matthews 12). Alexander Melville Bell, his father, was a â€Å"Professor of Elocution,† Art of public speaking (Bruce 16). Due to the fact that his father was a very knowledgeable man and a professor, Aleck obtained most of his†¦show more content†¦To make sure that the student knew what part of the head the teacher was talking about, the teacher would point to a particular part of the diagram and have the student touch that part of themselves. When the diagram was up on the black board there were also darkened symbols on certain parts such as the tip of nose, upper and lower lip etc. The next step was to erase all other lines and have the student do the same procedure as before but this time they had to know where all the symbols were. The purpose for learning all of these symbols was so that the teacher would be able to get into more detailed diagrams and actually show the deaf student what part of the throat and mouth to move to pronounce a particular sound (Bell 51-54). Another way that he was able to teach his students was using the manometric, pressurized, capsule, which enclosed a gas flame. The capsule worked when the vibrations of a voice acted on a membrane that would expand the gas flame and result in a flickering â€Å"like the teeth of a saw† (Mackenzie 66). The flickering would resemble the characteristics of a particular sound. The reason that Bell wanted to use this device was to see if he could discover the â€Å"shape or form of a vibration that was a characteristic of the elements of English speech† (Mackenzie 67). Then he could represent this information on paper for the use of his deaf pupils. With this device he could have a pupil put hisShow MoreRelatedAlexander Graham Bell1151 Words   |  5 PagesAlexander Graham Bell was a notable scientist and engineer that changed the world with his invention of the telephone. Without the telephone, everyone would not have a reliable communication device. Alexander Graham Bell is considered one of the most influential people in human history. Early Life ~ Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3rd, 1847 at his family home, 16 South Charlotte Street, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was born to Professor Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace (nee Symonds)Read More Alexander Graham Bell Essay1699 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander Graham Bell Works Cited Missing The importance of Alexander Graham Bell on today’s society is visible, or rather audible, every day and everywhere. First and foremost, Alexander Graham Bell was a prolific teacher of the deaf. This is what he considered to be his true life’s work, but only one of the many important things he did. Through his research of speech and sound, and his creative mind, he would become one of the most influential inventors in modern history. His own definitionRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell And The Invention Essay1132 Words   |  5 PagesALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Introduction to ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who invented the first telephone. In his later life, Bell did outstanding work in designing optical Telecommunications. Bell also contributed to other inventions as well, he designed a precursor to modern day air conditioning, he also contributed to aviation technology, and his last patent, at the age of 75, was for the fastest hydrofoilRead MoreThe Invention Of Alexander Graham Bell882 Words   |  4 Pages Alexander Graham Bell was not an American born inventor. He was born in Edinburgh Scotland March 3, 1947. His father was a formal speech teacher. This might account for his early interest in speech and sound. As a boy he was so intrigued with sound he taught himself to play the piano. When he was a teenager his mother began to lose her hearing, and this further perpetuated his entrance and desire to explore sound. Bell was a very smart young man. At age 12 he invented a machine to take theRead MoreThe Controversy Of Alexander Graham Bell1941 Words   |  8 PagesAlexander Graham Bell was born on March 3rd, 1847. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He went to Edinburgh Royal High School when he was eleven years old. Bell had left school when he was fifteen, he never actually graduated. He also attended the University of London for college but his time in college was cut short due to him and his family moving to Canada in the 1870s also causing him to not fully graduate from college as well. They left to Canada because they had lost two children to tuberculosisRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell Essay 101602 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander Graham Bell, a man who best known for inventing the telephone. Most people dont know he spent the majority of his life teaching and helping the deaf. Educating the hearing impaired is what he wished to be remembered for. Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His mother was a painter of miniature portraits and also loved to play the piano even though she was nearly deaf. Alecks mother knew that he had a talent for music and always encouraged him to play (MatthewsRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Upon hearing the name Alexander Graham Bell, we remember the inventor of the telephone. However, Alexander was much more than just the inventor of the telephone. As a matter of fact he was an audiologist. His family was the leading authorities in elocution and speech correction. He had improved and carried on his families business, along with his brothers. Alexander had created the phone at an early age among inventors- only 29. Later in his career BellRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell And Eliza Grace Symonds1805 Words   |  8 PagesMunoz Ms.Aguilar Us History 10/18/16 Alexander Graham Bell He was born to Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace Symonds. His mother was almost deaf, and his father taught elocution to the deaf, which I find very ironic. This ended up influencing Alexander’s later career choice as teacher of the deaf. At age 11 he entered the Royal High School at Edinburgh, but he did not enjoy the compulsory curriculum, and he left school at age 15 without graduating. Alexander invented the first ever telephoneRead MoreA Brief Biography of Alexander Graham Bell Essay example1345 Words   |  6 Pagesand the way we communicate with the world would be entirely different. (Pewresarch) Michael Hart’s book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History ranks Alexander Graham Bell as the forty second most influential person in history and he is one of the most influential persons in history. Alexander Graham Bell’s influences of his father and grandfather caused him to take interest in the human voice and imitating its sounds. Although he is known for his invention of the telephoneRead MoreAlexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray: A Race for Credit808 Words   |  3 Pages A mass of people wonder who was Alexander Graham Bell and who was Elisha Gray. Some say that Alexander was just some person that invited the telephone; Elisha Gray was a person that wanted to be the inverter of the telephone. Alexander was not just some person without him or Elisha Gray it would probably be a long time in until someone thought of the invention. Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), the Scottish-born American scientist and innovator best known as the person who invented the