Saturday, February 15, 2020

Lease and licence problem question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Lease and licence problem question - Essay Example Currently, Jeffrey has found himself with financial constrains, over and above, his marriage being under increased strain. He thinks of selling the property and moving away for sometimes. Two weeks ago, while his wife was away visiting his elderly mother and Peter was on a business trip in America, he found a buyer, David Matthews who was prepared to offer cash for quick sale. A licence is a contractual right to use a property particularly land that would otherwise be illegal. Conversely, a lease is an interest of land that is given by the lesser to a lessee for a defined period of time while granting exclusive possession. In light of this, it is clear that Jeffrey has the legal rights over the property at Georgetown, and hence has title to the property. Needless to mention, Jeffrey is among the people who have indefeasibility of title. According to property law, this means that Jeffrey is included in the title as the owner who has an indefeasible or unquestionable title of the property. Besides, the state guarantees the correctness of the information contained on the title and is, therefore, liable to provide compensation under assurance fund. Thus, legal interests are solely concerned with ownership of property as in the case of Jeffrey who has control that is associated with the ownership.1 With this regard, it is entirely challenging for his wife Alic e to claim any legal right for the property even though she is married to him. The fact that Alice moved into the property in 2005, and has continually spent a considerable amount of her savings in renovating the property to an extent of converting the top floor into an apartment, which Jeffrey later leases out to Peter, a businessman for five years, a situation that does not recognise her as an exclusive or shared possessor. Simply, Alice could only be recognised by Law, only if she was registered as one with ‘equitable interest’ to the property. This way

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mentorship in British Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Mentorship in British Nursing - Essay Example This research paper describes the field of nursing and the area of mentor contribution to development of clinical skills in nursing graduates. A mentor is cast in the mold of a teacher. In order to assess the impact of the mentor’s role in enhancing learning, it would be useful to explore how learning actually takes place. Book learning or assimilating theoretical principles are not in question here, since theories and knowledge from textbooks can at best, serve as a general guideline to a nurse faced with real life clinical situations. The ability to perform well in a clinical environment can be grasped only dimly from text book theory and cannot substitute for the valuable experience gained in a working situation under the guidance of a mentor, who functions as a teacher and a role model. The issue to consider here is the manner in which learning takes place and several theories have been presented in this regard. The mentor functions in the role of a demonstrator for a nurs ing student, facilitating learning through real life application of medical principles. But in addition, a mentor also functions as a guide for the nursing student, providing valuable feedback on the actual implementation of nursing principles as practiced by the student. On the job performance appraisals are an important learning tool for a nursing student. Feedback provided by a mentor serves as a valuable tool for the student to understand what he or she is doing wrong or right, so that corrections may be made appropriately.